When new students ask me, "Can I message you instead of using email?" I respond, "No, I prefer to use email instead." This isn't because I'm reluctant to share my cell number but because there's a hidden context behind my denial. I understand that today's high school and college students are drawn to the instant gratification of texting. However, it's important to note that the structure and format of their college application, curriculum, and correspondence with professors and potential employers will all be email-based. Email offers a more formal and professional platform for communication, which is crucial for their academic and future professional endeavors.
Learning to monitor their email daily and responsibly organize and respond is critical to their success in college. Email is crucial during the application process to ensure that vital communication between the student and admissions offices is not missed. Once enrolled in college, virtually all information comes via email, including last-minute classroom changes, grading, professor feedback, billing, laundry cycle completion (everything is web-based now!), and important updates regarding their campus community. Missing an email can mean not being prepared for an exam, not taking advantage of a perk their school offers (lots of freebies), or missing their class registration or football season ticket purchase deadline. I try to do my part to help them become email savvy by using this format over texting. Getting into good email habits now will undoubtedly make the transition from high school to college much easier.
Lastly, have them start memorizing their social security number. These nine numbers will be tied to their entire collegiate experience (and beyond).